Timeline of History
Watch history come alive with our Timeline of History notebooks, as you record and notice how nations rose and fell, what events coincided, and which leaders were contemporaries.
Divided in the following time periods:
*Ancient: 6000 BC to Fall of Rome c. 500 AD
*Middle Ages: 500 AD to Fall of Constantinople c 1500 AD
*Early Modern: 1500 AD to New Nation c. 1800 AD
*Modern: 1800 AD to 2100 AD
Includes a "Family timeline" which begins in 1900 runs parallel to the history timeline until 2100. This gives the opportunity to record family history and notice what events your own family experienced and lived through.
Also includes two family trees to record family history going back five generations (or as much as is known).
We recommend printing double sided (print the first page single so as to have a cover) and having spiral bound at any office supply store. You may also wish to print and three-hole punch to keep in a binder with page protectors.